
Tuesday 11 August 2015

Transitional Pastel Gradient

It's Tuesday and I'm back in blogger mode! Things are getting back to normal with work (whatever normal is, maybe I mean 'usual'!) and I feel like I have some time to myself for the first time in forever!

And this is the first blog I'm writing on my new laptop, so I am extra excited about that :) I can tell you that it's a HP and it's blue, other than that I can't help you! But I love it so far....

Anyway, onto today's mani.

I have been feeling the setting in of Autumn recently. Probably because it's pissed down with rain all day today. The famous UK Summer!! However, it got me thinking that maybe it's time to try some transitional nails to take me through to Autumn, whilst still clinging on to the shreds of Summer that are slowly fading away!!

I had to feature my favourite Summer collection, the Color Club Poptastic Pastel Neons, somewhere. I finally decided to use 'Under the Blacklight', the highlighter yellow shade, in a gradient with Barry M Gelly Nail Paint in Coconut. To take it darker and more Autumn appropriate, I added some striping tape in diagonal lines and added Essie's Bobbing for Baubles to the sides.

I'm pleased with how the mani came out, and it actually looks how it was meant to, or how I saw it in my brain anyway. So that's always nice (and rare)!

I hope you're all having a fabulous week, I'm still counting down to my hols... 4 weeks today!!

Thank you for reading :)

WN x

Sunday 2 August 2015

Red and Black Houndstooth

Hello polished people! I hope you're all having a great weekend :)

Today's mani is actually a submission I created for Nail It Magazine. You can check out their Instagram post about it HERE. They are after some more red and black designs for their Nov / Dec issue (online and print) so they have extended submissions until the 4th of August. And entries are open internationally :)

So as I was due to blog and I have the mother of all creative block recently, I thought why not have a go!

I then thought I'd have a look through the awesome book 'Nail It!' by the superbly talented Sophie Harris-Greenslade of The Illustrated Nail. I've had the book for a while but have yet to attempt any of the deigns so this was the perfect opportunity to dive in :)

The design I settled on is Houndstooth, as I thought it would work well with the colour combo. 

The book is totally stunning and I will definitely be writing a review soon :)

For the mani, I used Chanel Phenix and Barry M Black with the Detail Brush from Sparkly Nails.

I am happy with how the design came out, and I am well impressed that you can tell what it's meant to be!! I think it would look loads better on longer nails though, as you would be able to see the full effect of the pattern.

I will let you know if I get featured in the magazine too :)

I hope you all enjoy today's post and thank you for reading!

WN x