
About Me

Thought I'd tell you a bit about myself :)

My name is Holly Cunningham, I'm 23 years old and am from Leeds, UK.

I started up this blog in June 2011, during a spell of unemployment, to keep myself entertained! I've always been into painting my nails, but I was just getting bored with the same old colours, so I started experimenting, and I'm loving learning all these new techniques to share with you all.

Everything I do on WellNailed is my first attempt, as I want you to see that I'm not in any way, shape or form a professional! I've had no training or taken any classes, and I just want to show that if I can do 'em, you can!

I hope you enjoy my blog. Check out the contact link above if you want to get in touch! And don't forget to subscribe ;)

Holly x