
Thursday 23 June 2011

My Nail Painting Technique, Yeah.

Yes, I realise that this is my 3rd blog in about 10 mins, HOWEVER, I'm really just trying to get a few things out there before I put some of the good stuff up.

I thought I would share with you my basic nail routine.
It really is super easy peesy.

-Properly clean my nails. I just use any old Nail Varnish Remover (I think my current one is just from Sainsburys) and some cotton balls.

-File and shape my nails to whatever takes my fancy!

-Rub in the good old Avon Grow Potion. (Lovin' that stuff)

-Apply two (Yes two!) coats of the BarryM Topcoat, Basecoat and Nail Hardener. I'm not really sure why I do two coats. I read it in 'Stella' once (magazine that comes with the Sunday Telegraph), tried it, thought it was quite good, and the rest ,as they say, is history.......

-Apply two coats of whatever colour I'm going for. Now I say apply two coats this ultimately depends on the varnish ofcourse but, generally, for just day to day colours, two coats is the deal.

-Spray with the Magic Avon Freeze Dry Super Quick Jazz spray, and wait a couple of minutes.

-Top coat of the trusted BarryM.

-Tadaaaa!!!!! I'm good to go. Marvellous.

Nice work guys.

WN x

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