
Thursday 23 June 2011


Well hello everyone and a huge welcome to the first EVER (!) Well Nailed Blog!

Oh Yeah.

So here is a little bit about the concept of this properly good blog....

Basically, I love my nail varnish. 
I love buying new colours and experimenting with different techniques, so I just thought why not share?!
I would like to just say at this point that I am most definately NOT a professional Nail Artist, so I really honestly believe that if I can do this stuff to my nails anyone can!
This blog really is just about me having somewhere to put pictures of my nail experiments. The amount of times I have done something on my nails and thought how amazing it looks (not to be big-headed!). I'm just a giver really.

I'll stress here that this blog is about trying new things and having a good time doing it! I do have an interesting sense of humour that doesn't always translate into text, do if you ever feel that I'm being offensive or rude then I'm probably joking. Like I said it's about having fun!


Enough of the sweet nothings, lets get cracking shall we?
Not literally obviously. That would be terrible.

Now if you're sitting comfortably, I shall begin....

WN x

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