
Tuesday 9 August 2011

Fall Like Dominoes

For those of you who haven't already, please check out WAH Nails! They are so fabulous, and inspirational, and just really, really cool.
I saw a recent blog post from them, in which one of the nails had been done to look like a domino. So I thought, why not give it a go?!

And here's what happened - 

Not bad.

I recently learnt about dotting tools. And now I love them.
I was having a little look around my old painting kits and found one in a watercolour kit from about 4 years ago. Win! - 

Colours I used obviously black and white. Obviously Barry M.
No's 47 and 66. Obviously.

- First off, two basecoats
- Next, two coats of white - 

- To be honest, I bloody love white nails, so I was tempted to just leave them :)
- Next, I took one of the thin brushes from ebay and painted a black stripe across the middle of the nails - 

- I then used the dotting tool to make the numbers on each domino.
- Top coat to finish!

Again, another first for me with the dotting tool. I think I did o.k!
I think my nails are a bit short for this, and it would look fabulous on longer nails.
But I still like the look loads!
Keep on playing ;)

WN x