
Friday 5 August 2011

Oh Stop It!

Like most people in love with nails, I'm also in love with pretty much any form of cosmetics. One of my faves is Chanel because I think the products are just so glamorous! Current favorite is this gorgeous blush - 

So I thought, why not paint my nails to look like it. Obviously.
I love the way Chanel has incorporated the pattern of their famous tweed into the cosmetics. So here they are - 

Now, as you guys know, what I post on this blog is my first attempt at things. I don't like to make everything perfect, as I'm not a professional and I'm trying to show you that anyone can do it!!
However, I think not being perfect is exactly the reason why I love this look!
The kind of mis-matched effect and the difference between each nail is, I think, really fun and super pretty!
It was also relatively easy to do. Just quite a bit of layering

The colours I used were - Barry M 318 Peach Melba
                                    Barry M 305 Pink Flamingo
                                    Barry M 302 Fushia

- So obviously, two basecoats to begin!
- Then two coats of the Peach colour - 

- Next, using a brush from my fabulous kit from ebay, I painted various shapes onto the nail, using Pink Flamingo, to try and resemble the tweed pattern! - 

- Then I filled in a few of the gaps to just leave little bits of the Peach poking through - 

- And for the finishing touch I used a thinner brush to layer on the Fushia to finish off the pattern.
- Top coat to end.

This look was so fun to do and obviously you can use any colours you want to do your own patterns.
I hope you like and/or find this useful!!

Bye for now....

WN x

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