
Saturday 17 September 2011

Jelly Beans :)

I don't know about you, but I find inspiration in the most obvious of places.....

This time, it was this mug - 

I mean, ofcourse!
This mug has been sat in my room for ages, and yesterday I thought, I can do nails with that. So I did. And here they are - 


All Barry M again! (sorry!)

- 66 Matt White
- 1a Red Wine
- 301 Block Orange
- 134 Yellow
- 290 Spring Green
- 204 Cyan Blue

- So, bascecoats to begin
- Then, two coats of the white
- Next, two coats of the colour (whichever order you choose) in the shape of the jelly beans!
- Top coat

So easy and relatively quick. And, with patients, you can just use the brush that comes with the varnish to do the shapes. Again don't worry about making a mess, remember the cotton bud/varnish remover combo!!

I enjoyed doing this look, it was a lot of fun, and that's what it's all about.

See you next time lovlies :)

WN x