
Friday 4 November 2011

Review : OCC

I'm sorry, two reviews in row! However, I received these two OCC polishes in the post yesterday, and I just had to show you :)
I got them from, a brilliant website which features a lot of American brands not readily available in the UK. Now, I'd heard a lot of great things about OCC (Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics, mainly known for their famous Lip Tar's) from various beauty bloggers and YouTube guru's, so I thought I'd give them a try!

These are the colours that I got - 

Look how pretty!
The colour on the left is called Chlorophyll (reason enough to buy it) and the one on the right is called Echo.

Now if you check out the swatches on the website, Echo is very similar however Chlorophyll, not so much. Not that I was disappointed, it's still gorgeous!! Both swatches are without a top coat.

Here's a swatch of Chlorophyll - 

A really, really nice colour. I don't really know how to explain it! Not green, not blue. Just fabulous really, unlike any other colour I own, so that's a bonus!

And here is a swatch of Echo - 

I can't even speak at this colour. A lovely midnight blue. The finish of these polishes is just divine, not too glossy just soft and creamy. No streaks left either. They are £6.50 (hence why I only bought two!) but totally worth it and I highly recommend giving this brand a look :)

Have a fabulous weekend!

WN x

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