
Friday 2 December 2011

Oh My God, It's Nearly Christmas!!

All of a sudden, It's December! What?! I thought I should try to get into the Christmas spirit. And what is more festive than glitters! They may be a pain in the bum to remove, but they do look fabulous and they never fail to cheer me up :) So, I broke out the glitters and created this look - 

Super glittery. It really did start me on a Christmas trip!
For this I used Chanel White Satin as a base, then e.l.f in Twinkle (if that's not a festive name, I don't know what is!) and Barry M in 150 Red Glitter and 298 Green Glitter.

- Basecoats to start
- Then two coats of the Chanel. It gave the most beautiful, milky white, transparent base for the glitter.
- Two coats of the e.l.f Twinkle next.
- And two coats of each of the red and green glitters for the stripes. 
- Top coat to hold it all in!

This was easy peasy and took no time at all! Perfect at this time of year as everyone's so busy!

Have a fabulous weekend :)

WN x 

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