
Monday 30 January 2012

Review and Swatches : Chanel Spring 2012 Collection

First things first *drum roll please* this is my 100th blog!!!
Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhh! I actually can't believe it. So obviously, I would like to thank each and every single person who has read my blog, and who subscribes, and comments and just thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!

I love doing this, and you guys inspire me so much :)

Anyway, to the blog!

Those of you who follow me on Twitter, will know how giddy I've been about these colours.....

The Spring collection from Chanel is called 'Harmonie De Printemps', or for those of us challenged in speaking French, 'Harmony of Spring'. (Check out the full collection here). I think it's just such a beautiful collection, and one of the best yet from Chanel.

When I saw the colours in person I just couldn't contain myself, and I bought all three! Whoops! I'll just shut up here and show you  - 

Colours from Left to Right - April, May, June



April is a pink/red creme. A really fresh take on a classic red for spring.Lovely two coat formula.



May is a super sweet candy pink creme. This colour just makes me happy! Good at lifting the spirits when you feel like the sun will never come out again!!!!! More sheer than April, three coats.



June is, like, I don't even know how to explain this creme colour! So pretty, really fresh, pastel apricot?! This one settled a little patchy on my nails, but I was so excited about using it I did rush this mani!!!! Three coats.

June is a limited edition, so grab yours NOW!!!!

So, Chanel Spring 2012 is a win.

Now to review........I know I've used Chanel before (here), but I didn't really review the brand, so here goes :) 

 As a general rule, I love Chanel as a beauty brand! I love how the products are packaged, I love the luxury that is attatched to the name 'Chanel'. And most importantly I LOVE the products. I feel so glamorous when I use them. 

I have not yet been disappointed by a Chanel polish, or any other product for that matter. I would recommend them to absolutely anyone.

Now, they cost £17.50. Which, I think, is pretty fair in comparison to other luxury brands on the market. But the way the polishes make you feel when you use can't put a price on that :)

Hope you enjoy!

See you next time,

WN x

Friday 27 January 2012

Award Season : Screen Actors Guild Awards

Round two of award season! I've got E! on record for the red carpet, so I can judge the outfits again :)

I'm sure a lot of you saw Zooey Deschanel's nails from the Golden Globes, pretty! ( See them here )

I decided to have a go at re-creating them for the SAG awards - 

For these I used Barry M 66 Matt White and 115 Red Black.

-Basecoats to start
- Next, two coats of the white
- Then using a small nail art brush and a dotting tool, I added the red details of the bow-tie, buttons etc.
- Top coat to finish.

I L.O.V.E how these came out! I thought I'd use the red instead of black just to mix it up a bit! We don't follow the rules here at WellNailed ;)

I hope you enjoy these super cute nails, and enjoy the awards!

Have a fabulous weekend,

WN x

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Australia Day Sort Of But Not Really........

So depending on where you are in the world, it's Australia Day tomorrow or today! I thought I'd do some starry nails inspired by the flag. And it was also a good excuse to try out more stamping plates.

Here are how the mani turned out - 

I used Barry M 292 Navy as the base colour and 66 Matt White to stamp. I used Bundle Monster plate 220.

- Basecoats to start
- Then two coats of the navy
- Then stamp the white on top
- Top coat to finish

Piece of cake!

Not sure they turned out how I expected in my mind, but hey, that's what it's all about!!!!!

Hope you like :)

See you Friday!

WN x

Monday 23 January 2012

Review and Swatches : Nicki Minaj for OPI

I thought today, that I would combine a review on OPI and some swatches from the Nicki Minaj for OPI collection! As I'm poor, I couldn't afford all six full size polished from the collection, so I got this gorgeous little set of mini's from for £12.75 - 

Each bottle is 3.75ml, which is enough to be fair, if you're like me and NEVER finish polishes!

The colours from left to right are - Did It On 'Em, Fly, Pink Friday and Metallic 4 Life.

Here come the swatches - 

Did It On 'Em - Lovely lime colour. Not unlike Lime from Barry M. I found the formula left the polish a bit patchy on my nails. Three coats.

Fly - Somewhere between a turquoise and a teal! Better, more solid coverage. Favourite of the four :) Three coats.

Pink Friday - Again, not too impressed with the formula of this one. But gorgeous colour non the less!! Three coats.

Metallic 4 Life - Love this one! Black base with silver glitter. All different size glitter particles, which gives it the most fabulous finish. Three coats, and I also recommend two top coats for this.

Overall, I'm quite liking OPI. Huge selection of colours too, which is fab. You can find something out the ordinary! Not yet 100% conviced they're worth the £10.50 full size price tag. I'll keep you posted! But I love the mini sets for a taster :)

Hope you enjoy today's post!

See you next time,

WN x

Friday 20 January 2012

Tied and Dyed

Ever make a tie-dye t-shirt at school?! Aaahh those were the days!!!

Thought I'd try and re-create the tie-dye effect on my nails. I love the pattern on fabrics and think it's such a lot of fun :)
Here's my pink tie-dye - 

I used Barry M in 309 Strawberry Ice-cream and 302 Fushia, one of my absolute favourite Barry M colours :)

- Basecoats to start with
- Then three coats of the paler pink.
- Next I just painted the circles on with the fushia.
- To finish off the design, I used a small nail art brush to add the small lines. You know how you get that gorgeous pattern depending on where you tie your fabric?!
- Top coat to seal it all in.

I'm loving how this one came out! I think it would work in soooo many colour combinations to, or even rainbow! And the best thing about this mani? It doesn't have to be perfect to look great, just like if you were dying cloth.

Hope you enjoy these, and have a fabulous weekend :)

WN x

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Review : Bourjois + Stamping!

This was just going to be a review today, but yesterday I got THREE nail related parcels so I just couldn't wait to try out some stamping plates!!

The colour I chose to try from Bourjois is number 39 Jaune Trendy. I think I would describe it as either a dark yellow or a pale mustard......

Here's a swatch - 

I picked this polish because, basically, it's unlike any other polish I have! I'm getting to the stage where I have a lot of similar colours so I'm trying to branch out :)

I used three coats of this as I found it to be a bit streaky, but the coverage is good!

Not content on leaving new goodies for another time I had a go at some stampage. Here's what happened - 

I used Barry M 312 Indigo and Bundle Monster plate BM 224.

Not bad I don't think for my first go!

Hope you like these, and I'll see you Friday!

WN x

Sunday 15 January 2012

Award Season - Golden Globes

Every year I get more and more excited about award season! I mainly like the bit where E! judges everyone's outfits... ;)

English time, the Golden Globes were on at about 2am this morning! So I've recorded it all on Sky+ and I'm going to cosy up and watch it this afternoon.

So I thought I'd do some nails - 

I used NARS Kismet and Barry M 47 Black and 320 Gold Foil. I also used some of the stickers from my last post.

- Start of with the basecoats
- Then three coats of the glorious NARS.
- I then painted the gold foil round the edges to make the rough shape of the Globe trophy
- I also used the foil for the dots.
- Next I drew around the shape in the black using the dotting tool.
- Finally I added the stars and a top coat.

Did you watch the awards? I'm off to go put them on now :):)

Hope you like the look,

See you next time,

WN x

Friday 13 January 2012

Spring Flowers

Now everyone's forgotten about Christmas and gotten over their New Year hangovers, it's time to look to spring! I must say I'm loving some of the nail colours emerging for spring. Really fresh and pretty.
Check out Vogue UK's Spring nails page here.

It was also a good excuse for me to use these stickers I've had hanging around for months - 

I think they were about £5 from Boots, but it's been so long since I bought them!!!

Here are my nails - 

I used Barry M 137 Lime Green as my base.

- Basecoats to start
- Then FOUR(!) coats of the lime. To be brutally honest, I don't like the formula of this polish. But I think that's because most other Barry M's have such a great two coat formula, I just wasn't expecting to have to use four!
- Next, using tweezers, I placed the stickers over the lime.
- Two top coats to hold them all in!

These nails just make me happy! Great cure for the winter blues :)
A little bit time consuming but nothing to really moan about.

Hope you like these floral lovelies :)

Have a fabulous weekend!

WN x

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Raspberry Ripple

Just what we need - Icecream!!! Anyone else find inspiration in bizarre places?! 
Here'e the mani - 

Just two polishes for this one, Avon Nailwear Pro in Vanilla Shake and e.l.f in Red Velvet.

- Start of with you basecoats
- Next four whole coats of the vanilla shake. 
* Note to self, buy an opaque cream polish! *
- Then, I just added a small blob of the red and basically just swirled a dotting tool through it to create the pattern
- I added another coat of the vanilla on top to make it look more............. 
- Top coat to finish

Hope you enjoy this chilly yet tasty mid-week treat!

Till next time :)

WN x

Monday 9 January 2012

Review : Pink Cosmetics London

Honestly never heard of these guys before! I found it at one of those outlet shopping centres and it cost the grand old total of 89p. Could I resist, obviously not. 

I can't find a website :( sorry!

But, I just had to share this polish with you, because, for the price, it really is pretty phenomenal!

The polish doesn't have a name just a number. No.10.

Here are some pretty pictures of the bloody lovely Pink Cosmetics London in No.10 - 

Beautiful shimmering Gunmetal grey with glitter in all kinds of colours mixed in there. Silver, Green, Blue, Red......

I have two coats on, with base and topcoat too. Another plus, this polish dries real quick!!!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this sparkly beginning to the week!

See you next time :)

WN x

Friday 6 January 2012

Night Time Tree Time

So I was lying on the sofa last night after having a cheeky nap, and I looked out the window and saw a super beautiful night time scene. The sky was a pretty turquoise and the light from the moon was giving the trees this gorgeous silhouette.....

Anyway, here are some nails I did that sort of look like that (not really) - 

For this look I used OCC in Echo and Barry M 294 Cyan Blue. And I used a black liquid eye liner for the tree design.

- Basecoats to start
- Then one layer of Echo followed by one oat of the Cyan Blue.
- Next I drew the tree design on with the liner
- Top coat to finish.

I hope you enjoy this look, and you have a fabulous weekend :)

See you next week!

WN x

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Playing With Lightning

Man, I feel like I haven't done this for ages! I thought I'd ease my way back in to the swing of things with a nice simple bit of fun nail art. And going by this recent weather we've been having, I thought these seemed apt - 

I used Revlon Silver and Barry M 134 Yellow and 47 Black.

- Basecoats to start
- Then three coats of the Revlon silver as I found it to be a bit streaky after only using two coats
- Next I just used a small nail art brush to do the lightning bolts.
- Top coat to finish

I hope everyone had a fabulous new year, and here's to an amazing 2012!  

Enjoy :)

WN x