
Friday 6 January 2012

Night Time Tree Time

So I was lying on the sofa last night after having a cheeky nap, and I looked out the window and saw a super beautiful night time scene. The sky was a pretty turquoise and the light from the moon was giving the trees this gorgeous silhouette.....

Anyway, here are some nails I did that sort of look like that (not really) - 

For this look I used OCC in Echo and Barry M 294 Cyan Blue. And I used a black liquid eye liner for the tree design.

- Basecoats to start
- Then one layer of Echo followed by one oat of the Cyan Blue.
- Next I drew the tree design on with the liner
- Top coat to finish.

I hope you enjoy this look, and you have a fabulous weekend :)

See you next week!

WN x

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