
Monday 20 February 2012

A Glitter Fade

I'll give you two guesses as to the nature of today's blog.....

I got one of the Miss Sporty Transformer Top Coats in Sparkle Touch. It is ridiculous! So many colours! I'm like a Magpie honestly, anything shiny and I'm all over it.

Here is a photo of the polish - 

There's all kinds of glitters in here, blue, pink, green, red, good :)

Here are some nails - 

I used Barry M 47 Black as the base, but really any black will do! I thought it'd be the best way of showcasing this amazing polish! 

- Start with your basecoats
- Two coats of the black
- Next just layer up the glitter gradually concentrating more and more towards the tip of the nail
- I used two top coats to make the surface really smooth.

I'm loving this polish. It gives an amazing effect layered over a base colour. It'll work with loads of colours too as there's such a massive range of glitters packed in there.

Not bad for £1.99!!

Hope you enjoy :)

See you soon,

WN x