
Wednesday 8 August 2012

The Liebster Award!!

I've been tagged in my first ever award :-D
It's amazing to receive an award like this as it means you've been acknowledged by your peers, which is always nice!!

I've been tagged by Becky at The Nail Art Hobby. Thank you!!

For this tag, you need to do the following:
1. Each person tagged must post 11 things about themselves.
2. They must also answer the 11 questions the 'tagger' has set for them.
3. They must create 11 more questions to ask bloggers they have decided to tag.
4. They must then choose 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers and tag them in their post.
5. These lucky bloggers must then be told.
6. There's no tag backs.

So here we go....

11 Things About Me

  1. I have had so many pets in years gone by, my house has been like a zoo! I've had dogs, guinea pigs, rabbits, ferrets, fish, and birds of prey too! Thankfully not all at the same time ;-)
  2. I know it's weird, but I have a huge fascination with psychopaths, mainly serial killers! I'm really interested in what drives people to commit such hideous crimes. Anyway.....
  3. My favourite musician of all time is Lenny Kravitz. His music makes me happy :-)
  4. My second toe is longer than my big toe! Ew.
  5. This one time, I met Thierry Henry and it was the single greatest moment of my life!
  6. I read Vogue like it's the bible.Not that I've ever read the bible..
  7. I cried at 'The House Bunny', but not at 'Titanic' or 'Brokeback Mountain' or 'The Notebook' or 'Dear John' etc.etc.
  8. I love to dance, and have done for about 10 years now. My class just folded, so I'm going to start going to The Northern Ballet for lessons, which I am SO excited about!
  9. There are actual real life Samurai swords in my house. 
  10. Since the Olympics I have become OBSESSED with gymnastics, but I'm too much of a puff to try it!
  11. And finally, I have three tattoos. One for my family, one for my Grandpa, and one of some marbles, so I can't lose them ;-)

Questions set by the Blogger

1. What/Who got you started with nail art and how long have you been doing it?
I mainly got started in nail art because I was bored with just wearing colour on my nails. I was aware of people like Sophy Robson and WAH Nails, who were obviously a huge inspiration! I've been doing nail art for just over a year now.
2. How long have you been blogging for?
I've been blogging for just over a year too! I've basically learned as I've been blogging!

3. What is your favourite colour to wear on your nails?
I'm gonna have to say blue! Such a hard question though!

4. Favourite nail art technique? (Water marbling, stamping, gradient, etc)
I really love freehand, even if I'm crap at it! 

5. How many different polishes do you own?
OMG I have absolutely no idea. It's around 250 though. A mere drop in the ocean ;-)

6. Do you have a favourite polish that you keep buying when you run out?
I've never had to re-purchase in my life! Apart from a Barry M black, but that's 'cos it went all thick and gloopy! 

7. Any tips/tricks you've learnt whilst doing your nails?
Literally everything! 

8. Most you've ever spent on nail polish?
I tend to go mental for Chanel which have just gone up to £18. Boo!

9. How often do you paint your nails?
Whenever I can be bothered really. I don't like to force myself to do them, because I know that it won't be my best work if my hearts not in it. Usually about 5 times a week though!

10. Where do you get your inspiration for nail art?
I don't even know where to start! Fashion, nature, a book I'm reading, it could be the colour combination of an orange car with black wheels, or my sofa that's like a purple weave. Other bloggers obviously, though I try not to knowingly copy anyone!

11.  Favourite design you've blogged?
Either my diamond jubes - here, or this stamping jazz - here

I haven't tagged anyone else because I don't follow anyone who has less than 200 followers! How bad is that?! And now I feel REALLY awful about it!
Something I'm definitely going to change.

I hope you found this interesting?!!

And thanks again to Becky :-)

WN x

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