
Wednesday 23 January 2013

Swatches - Printemps Precieux De Chanel (Spring '13)

Good afternoon!

I hope everyone is well, I've had a cold :-( over the weekend obviously!

Back to business, today I have swatches of the Spring Collection Le Vernis from Chanel- Printemps Precieux De Chanel.

(Check out the Press Release HERE)

First up is Emprise (three coats)- 

"EMPRISE, a natural rosy beige takes on a slight opaque touch for an instantly modern look."

Next, Fracas (two coats)- 

"FRACAS, a vibrant pink radiantly showcases bold femininity."

And finally, Accessoire (two coats)-

"ACCESSOIRE, a deep red-brown shade opts for luxury and sensuality."

I can't decide which one I love the most. There has been a lot of interest in Accessoire, and rightly so! I am a sucker for a pink though, so I think I'm going to have to rebel and say that Fracas is my favourite!

Chanel Le Vernis retail at £18.

WN x

*the polishes featured in this post were supplied by PR. I am under no obligation to review these polishes, or to write a blog about them at all. Be assured that the opinions in this post are 100% honest and completely my own*


  1. Amazing colours! How similar would you say Accessorise looks to last year's April?

    Also, How did you manage to get these sent to you by PR? :)

    Following you now, would love it if you had a look/ follow of my blog

    Rachel xxxx

    1. Hi Rachel thanks so much for your comment! Sorry it's taken so long to reply :-(
      If you go here - I've done you a comparison photo of April and Accessoire.
      Also if you check out this post by Mary at Swatch and Learn -
      It's got all you need to know about PR!!
      Hope this helps, and good luck,
      Holly x
