
Monday 22 April 2013

Chanel - Avant-Première de Chanel

Today, I have the swatches of the latest Chanel collection - Avant-Première de Chanel - to share with you. The colours are gorgeous as ever, so let's get right into it!

Colours from left to right - Startet, Paparazzi, Cinéma and Provocation

Number 575, STARLET. 

"A peach pink shade radiant with a heart of golden pearl" - 

Number 579, PAPARAZZI.

"An intense and luminous intense plum brown" -

Number 581, CINÉMA.

"A half-tone red brightened with a touch of orange" - 

Number 599, PROVOCATION.

"A unique plum shade" - 

The idea behind Collection Avant-Preière de Chanel, is that the colours are 'half shades' designed to show the grace and style of the original movie icons. Personally, I think they've got it bang on! Any and all of these colours are just what they're meant to be - timeless.

My personal fave is Starlet. I think it's just so pretty! Especially for this time of year. 

Nothing I've never seen before, but they are meant to be classics! All in all, another beautiful collection from the beauty wizards at Chanel.

Le Vernis cost £18 each and I bought mine from

Have a great week :)

WN x

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