
Saturday 28 December 2013

WAH Look #22 - Tie Dye Swirl

I hope you've all had a fabulous holiday period :) and that you were all spoilt rotten, and spoilt you're loved one's in return.

Now THIS is a look I can get into :)

Two colours and a cocktail stick! And nail magic ensues :)

The book says to 'blob' on the nail varnish, and when you've blobbed as much as you think you need, blob a bit more! You don't want to hit the nail with your cocktail stick, as you'll remove any varnish and obviously damage your nail.

A light touch is best, however if you have enough nail polish on it's not really an issue.

For this mani, I used Illamasqua Self and Beautybay Espanola Way. And a cocktail stick of course!

These are great fun, and you can really have control over your lines and patterns. I think my little finger came out best, which is strange as I've usually lost all patience by that point.

Hope you like these, and I'll see you monday for the last week of WAH mani's!!!

WN x

*Photo's from The WAH Nails Book of Downtown Girls by Sharmadean Reid*

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