
Wednesday 27 August 2014

Neon Sponged Nail Art!

Did anyone else completely forget that It's Wednesday today? Not that I'm complaining about having Monday off... but it puts me off! 

Anyway, today I have a bit of fun nail art (sort of) to share with you today. I've been feeling neons quite a lot recently so I thought why not put them all on my nails. Granted, they're more brights than neons, but I still enjoy them :-)

For this mani I used Illamasqua Rare (yellow) and Gamma (orange), Models Own Toxic Apple (green), Nails Inc Hertford Street (pink) and tipped them off with Barry M Black Nail Art Pen. 

To create the look, I sponged on each colour individually with a section of make-up sponge that I held in tweezers to make it easier to grip. 

When I had all four colours on the nail, I went back over the edges, mixing the colours to try and make the colours fade into each other more smoothly.

I finished off the look with the black tips and a top coat. This one is from I really like this one, however it takes the standard amount of drying time, but if you've got time, it's great! To be honest I mostly use it for blogging :-)

I added Models Own Jack Frost to my pinkie, but  decided I didn't like it so I didn't put it on any other nails!

Hope you're all having a great week :-)

WN x


  1. Wow these are amazing!

  2. This looks really good and so funky! I love the neon look. Totally in love with Rare :-D

    1. Me too, it's so sad they discontinued it! :(
