
Monday 4 August 2014

Trying the Dry Brush technique

Hello everyone!

It's Monday and it's time to post :)

Today I've tried a technique that I've seen floating about the community for a little while and finally thought I should give it a whirl.

For the Dry Brush mani, you need to make sure that you literally have as little polish as physically possible. It feels weird at first, but once you get your head round doing this, it comes out just fine.

Here's my attempt - 

I'm pretty happy with how these came out and I found them really easy to do. So easy in fact that I even did my right hand! I know.

I love the finish and I'm looking forward to trying out the Dry Brush mani with different colour ways :)

I used Barry M White for the base. I used Chanel Blue Boy, Nails Inc. Hertford Street and Barry M Black on top, then topped the design off with my SV.

See you all Wednesday!

WN x


  1. This is a nice effect. I've never tried this technique either! Looks good though :-)

    1. Thanks, it was different! It took me a little while to get my head round it but I love how they came out :-)
