
Tuesday 24 February 2015

Illamasqua - Raindrops

Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope you're all having a great week so far, I am still full of cold :(

Today I have a quick swatch of a cult favourite from Illamasqua, Raindrops. This polish is a sheer blue-ish grey with little iridescent flakies mixed in. I am wearing two coats on the swathes, with Top Coat - 

I will definitely wear this with three coats in the future, as it does need layering to achieve full opacity. The flakie element is interesting, as you almost can't see it, however it does give the polish a lovely high gloss finish as they catch the light.

Illamasqua nail polishes are £14.50 each available at

Have a great week!

WN x

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