
Friday 17 July 2015

Flash Tattoo Mani

Happy Friday Everyone!!

Another week of work is over and another weekend is upon us :) I hope you've all had great weeks and have even better weekends planned!

Today's post is a little bit different. I had received some 'flash tattoos' in my June Glossybox, and I have to say I am not a fan of the trend generally but I wanted to try and use them otherwise I feel like I'm just wasting my money on the subscription! So, with anything that I'm not sure what to do with, I put it on my nails.

The tattoos are black gold and silver, so I layered them over the hot pink Hertford Street by Nails Inc as I thought this colour would give the best contrast.

You use these tattoos the same way you use any temporary tattoo, peel off the plastic and soak with a damp cloth (I used a cotton ball as that's just what I had to hand at the time). Take up the cardboard backing and you're done.

I added a top coat to seal in the designs.

I'm definitely pleased with how this mani turned out and I'm also glad that I got to use the tattoos too. 

Unfortunately Nails Inc don't make Hertford Street anymore, though you've probably guessed that from the old bottle shape! You'll be able to get it on eBay I'm sure if you're that desperate, but it's nothing unique at the end of the day.

And with the tattoos, again they're now unavailable as they were in the June box, but they are pretty readily available elsewhere. Check out the likes of or the Aladdin's cave of awesome that is

Thank you for reading and have an amazing day!

WN x

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